Episode 19 – Election Debrief

Recorded live via KPISS.FM, in which Otterpup joins us as we get uncharacteristically serious and imbue or sex podcast with political meaning. We do a post-inauguration debrief and talk about how the Victator got the wind knocked out of her, Gayle got frenzied, and Otterpup decided he’s not a centrist after all, while his parents stepped up guns-a-blazing to take a stand for gay rights, Gayle’s pessimism, if the Trump presidency is validating bigotry and shaking some people out of their comfortable belief in prograss, Also: Gayle and Otterpup come out as an immigrants, an unexpected uptick in Hong Kong listeners, and why we want to keep talking about butt-plug sizes and the finer points of gender identity despite it all.

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